Definition of soil degradation pdf

Soil degradation has been defined as a process that leads to decline in the fertility or future productive capacity of soil as a result of human activity united nations environment programme, 1993. Apr 20, 2016 soil degradation environment in eu at the turn of the century chapter 3. Using simplified schematic diagrams based on australian examples, we illustrate the major processes involved and show how some soils may act as precursors to land degradation. An area of about 1500 m ha, or 25% of usable land in developing countries, has been affected by soil degradation of some kind, to a degree which appreciably 10 % of land or greatly 15 % of land reduce s its productivity. Noun damage to the productive capacity because of agricultural practices such as the excessive use of pesticides or fertilizers, soil compaction from heavy equipment, or erosion of topsoil,eventually resulting in reduced agricultural products. Land degradation is, however, difficult to grasp in its totality. Soil degradation is the decline in soil condition caused by its improper use or poor management, usually for agricultural, industrial or urban purposes. Current agrienvironmental regulations hold considerable promise as a means of combating soil erosion. Technical report on soil degradation european commission. While in the highly developed and industrialized countries problems. But even though the soil changes occur, but the composition of soil layers remain almost the same in a human lifetime. In proper terminological definition, forest degradation is the decline of the capacity of a forest to produce healthy ecosystem products and services such as the provision of timber and other resources, support to biodiversity, carbon storage and so on as a result of environmental and anthropogenic changes. Whilst soil degradation is recognised as a major aspect of land degradation, other processes which affect the productive capacity of cropland, rangeland and forests, such as lowering of the water table and deforestation, are captured by the concept of land degradation. Soil degradation, defined as lowering and losing of soil functions, is becoming more and more serious worldwide in recent decades, and poses a threat to agricultural production and terrestrial ecosystem.

Land degradation soil degradation is the decline in soil quality caused by its improper use, usually for agricultural, pastoral, industrial or urban purposes. Soil degradation refers to a subset of land degradation processes that. All definitions fao soils portal food and agriculture. Measures include encouragement for organic farming. The soil is always changing as water comes and goes. Information and translations of land degradation in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. In addition to erosion, soil quality is affected by other aspects of agriculture. The srccl definition is derived from the ipcc ar5 definition of. Soil structure refers to the arrangement of mineral and organic soil particles and the spaces between them.

Soils are a fundamental natural resource, and are the basis for all terrestrial life. Careless agricultural practices, pollution and deforestation cause lots of soil degradation in the world. By the end of this topic, you will know how different forms of human activities are responsible for the majority of different types of soil pollution. Thanks are expressed to the many members of the society who have aided in the development of this glossary over the. Soil taxonomy definition collection of natural bodies of the earths surface, in places modified or even. Soil degradation includes erosion, salinization due to freshwater removal, soil loss following erosion after deforestation or overgrazing, compaction and crusting of soils, which can be caused by cattle trampling, and waterlogging with impaired water movement oldeman et al. Desertification has been defined as land degradation in arid, semiarid, and dry subhumid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities11. It thus covers the various forms of soil degradation, adverse human impacts on water resources, deforestation, and lowering of the productive capacity of rangelands. Causes and impacts of land degradation and desertification. A soil management plan shall be implemented that includes practices that prevent or reverse degradation over the long term periodic sampling of soil on the feedstock production site shall be performed to evaluate the effect of implemented practices on the organic matter content. Meanwhile, soil erosion was becoming recognized as a serious problem in many countries and largescale soil conservation programs were launched in africa and, a few years later, in australia. Soilenvironment impacts land degradation processes rob w. While soil degradation may occur naturally, it has been highly exuberated by anthropogenic activities.

Water, the wind, and gravity move in an out of the soil particles. Physical soil degradation is one of the eight main risks and threats defined by the european thematic strategy for soil protection com2002179 final physical degradation comprises very different processes and morphometric forms, mainly through the deformation of the inner soil structure by compaction, caused by tracking with heavy agricultural machinery, through vertical sheer. A fundamental knowledge of soil science is a prerequisite to meeting the many natural resource challenges that will face humanity in the 21st century. Discuss the importance of minimizing soil degradation to the future of humans. The soil is the basis for food production and will remain so in future. Solutions need to be developed and introduced which address both issues simultaneously. The effects of soil erosion go beyond the loss of fertile land.

Several types of soil degradation exist and are a threat to natural forests and planted crops. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Causes, effects and solutions of soil degradation conserve. Soils fundamental concepts the soil in perspective. Degradation definition of degradation by medical dictionary. Pdf soil, definition, function, and utilization of soil. What is forest degradation and what are various causes of. These impacts include compaction, loss of soil structure, nutrient degradation, and soil salinity. Land degradation is a process in which the value of the physical environment is affected by a. It is estimated that nearly 2 billion ha of soil resources in the world have been degraded, namely approximately 22% of the total cropland, pasture, forest, and woodland.

These civilisations occupied, or depended on, defined geographical regions. Productivity declines may be due directly to soil degradation, for example through depletion ofsoil nutrients, soil toxicity, or soil. A director, on the other hand, is designed to minimize performance degradation at all times. In fact, i would be hard pressed to think of a more perfect definition of human misery and degradation. Land degradation is the temporary or permanent lowering of the productive capacity of land unep, 1992b. Avoiding soil degradation is crucial to our wellbeing. Soil degradation article about soil degradation by the free. Efforts to counteract this problem include environmental protection and environmental resources management. Naoko ishii ceo and chairperson global environment facility land degradation is a critical global environmental issue. Soil degradation is the loss of lands production capacity in terms of loss of soil fertility, soil biodiversity, and degradation. It encompasses physical soil erosion, chemical salinity and alkalinity, pollution and biological deterioration pollution and. Must reduce overland flow and increase infiltration.

Achieving the goal of sustainable management practices that remediate or prevent soil degradation requires a better understanding of interacting environmental conditions, production methods, and land resources. Although not as large a problem as some of the other types of soil degradation, the presence of chemical residues can be quite a problem on a local scale. The three degradation terms, environmental degradation, land degradation, and soil degradation, are defined as any change or disturbance to the environment, land, or soil perceived to be. Its increased concentration in atmosphere leads to global warming.

Soil degradation is one the key areas in which agriculture impacts upon ecology. These residues derive almost entirely from long term accumulation after repeated use of pesticides, etc. Soil degradation causes include agricultural, industrial, and commercial pollution. Pdf agricultural practices have a substantial impact on many ecosystems worldwide. This definition focuses more on the general function of the soil rather then one specific use i. To fill this knowledge gap, soil degradation simply means the decline in soil quality which comes about due to aspects such as improper land use, agriculture. The discussion should include the three types listed above. To improve the structure of the soil by better farming methods e. Soil degradation needs to be recognised, alongside climate change, as one of. Use the definition above to discuss soil degradation. This study takes the degradation of soil resources as its focus. When natural habitats are destroyed or natural resources are depleted, the environment is degraded.

Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil. Note that it is difficult to use a simple definition, since yield response will often differ, depending upon the associated input or the type ofoutput. The 2030 agenda for sustainable development declares that we are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations. As indicated by the ipat equation, environmental impact i or. Soil conservation encyclopedia of life support systems. No need to purchase any books for session 20192020 free pdf will be. Rapid microbial degradation is more likely when the same pesticide is used repeatedly in a field.

Causes of soil degradation and methods for soil conservation. Meanwhile, soil erosion was becoming recognized as a serious problem in many countries and largescale soilconservation programs were launched in africa and, a few years later, in australia. This erosion is the dominant form of soil degradation troeh et al. It is defined as any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. With the objective of understanding the distinct nature of soil quality decline, here are the causes, effects, and solutions of soil degradation. Human activities are the primary cause of soil pollution and land degradation. Soil degradation, defined as lowering and losing of soil functions, is becoming more and more serious worldwide in recent decades, and poses a threat to. Soil degradation is a consequence of intensive land use management, which is assumed to be caused by human impact, poverty, and a response to economic opportunities at the global level lambin et al. Fitzpatrick abstract this chapter describes how saline, sodic, acid and eroded soils are formed. Land degradation processes are ongoing over large part of the earth land surface figure 3. Managing soil degradation the main thing is to allow for increased cover. Soil degradation a major threat to humanity summary soil degradation needs to be recognised, alongside climate change, as one of the most pressing problems facing humanity.

Structural degradation of the soil most commonly refers to compaction, the compression of soil particles so that the space between. Besides, climate change combined with human activities continues to worsen soil degradation. Soil loss from conventionally tilled land exceeds the rate of soil formation by 15 2 orders of magnitude medium confidence. It is viewed as any change or disturbance to the land perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. Degradation definition is the act or process of degrading. Most of the degradation is due to soil erosion and biodiversity loss in the less populated areas, while water shortage, soil depletion and soil pollution are most common in the most agricultural areas. It occurs whenever the natural balances in the landscape are changed by human activity through misuse or.

The decision to change to a vegan diet is better, not just for animals and the rainforest, but for other environmental disasters linked to livestock production expanding deserts, soil degradation, global warming, nitrogen pollution, antibiotic resistance and superbugs. Loam soil 45% mineral matter, 5% organic matter, 25% water, and 25% air. Soil degradation means loss or deterioration of its functions. Where such practices are not maintaining soil organic matter. In the third section, a conceptual framework of the environmental degradationpoverty nexus is provided. Glossary of soil science terms soil science society of. Component definition mixture of mineral matter, organic matter, water and air. Soil degradation food and agriculture organization of the united. Within each delineated map unit, soil degradation, its relative extent within the unit and the type of human intervention that has resulted in soil degradation during the postwar period were also indicated. For the purpose of this report, it includes both soil loss and soil deterioration. Degradation definition of degradation by merriamwebster. Thanks are expressed to the many members of the society who have aided in the development of this glossary over the years. Glossary of soil science terms soil science society of america.

Soil degradation is the decline in soil condition caused by its improper use or poor management, usually for agricultural, industrial or urban. It is also true that the study of soils can be both fascinating and intellectually satisfying. Soil degradation ann verdoodt academic year 20112012 compilation of course notes by prof. The regional results were then generalize d and compiled as a world map. This means that it will be impossible to develop a single, common solution. Land degradation, soil erosion and soil conservation pmf ias. Soil, definition, function, and utilization of soil.

Soil degradation is a serious global environmental problem and may be exacerbated by climate change. Soil degradation is any type of problem that removes soil in an area or makes highquality soil become poor. Land degradation is a process in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by a combination of humaninduced processes acting upon the land. Definition of land land is commonly used to refer to a section of the earth. Soil degradation nsw environment, energy and science. This glossary of soil science terms was an ad hoc committee of the soil science of america to provide a single glossary of terms for the various disciplines of soil science.